Prenez soin de vous maintenant

Créez un environnement sain et agréable 

en purifiant l'air de vos espaces du quotidien.

Demander un devis

For the air in your premises

Service furniture improving the air quality of tertiary spaces.

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For the air of your urban spaces


Serviceable furniture improving the air quality of indoor urban spaces.

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Purify your indoor air

Capture harmful pollutants

Transform pollutants into fertilizer

Who are we ?

Avec Bioteos, we use microscopic algae to meet health and environmental challenges.

Faced with the alarming problem of air pollution, our innovative initiative was born in 2021, wanting to explore a promising solution to eliminate air pollutants and improve indoor air quality. The figures speak for themselves: every year, 9 million people die prematurely due to air pollution. In addition, the air inside buildings is often 5 to 7 times more polluted than the air outside. Our technology is therefore based on the use of microalgae as biological air purifiers.

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